Num de Guerre

Sue: normal mail
-Ophelia (black) OOS
Changed to black Nicolette (L) also OOS, refund
-Courtney (black) OOS, refund.

Eliza: meet up
-Courtney (black) OOS, refund.
-Idelle (brown)

Dylla: normal mail
-Ophelia (green)
-Noelle (grey-M) OOS

Changed to black Nicollete (M) also OOS, refund
-Noelle (black-L) OOS Changed to blue Ophelia

Mariana: registered mail
-Davida (black)
OOS, refund.

Naira: meet up
-Courtney (black) OOS, refund.
-Melvina ( light brown)

Emma: meet up
-Melvina (dark brown)

Elvina: meet up
-Melvina (light brown)
-Courtney (dark brown) OOS, changed to Chanel Bag Spree

Yusliana: meet up
-Idelle (cream)
-Courtney (coffee) OOS, refund.
-Lorelei (light brown)

Fifi: meet up
-Noelle (black - L) OOS

Changed to black Nicollete (L) also OOS
Changed to Kendra (cream)
-Jewel (red) OOS, refund
-Jemima (lighter brown)

-Fedora (light brown) OOS Changed to red

Faddy: meet up
-Ophelia (green)

Kak Mar: meet up
-Melvina (dark brown)
-Genevieve (black)
-Hattie (white)
-Laverna (black)

Yuhtee: meet up
-Genevieve (brown)
-Courtney (black) OOS, refund.

Aisyah: meet up
-Courtney (black) OOS, refund.
Hattie (black)

Sharmeen: meet up
-Hortense (dark brown)
-Edith (brown)
-Courtney (black)
OOS, refund.

Nurul Jannah: normal mail
-Idelle (cream)

Nur Zahidah:
-Courtney (black)

Ana Folly:


Orders has been made at 12.34pm.
Resend order again at 5.00pm & supplier will get back by midnight.

Supplier get back to us regarding OOS items at 3.29pm.
Sent back reply at 4.29pm with changes and supplier still waiting for confirmation if Courtney & Jewel is still available.
We were told at 5.23pm that Courtney are all OOS!!
Informed customers about this at 7.52pm.
Waiting for their decision to change
items within 24hrs or full refund.

Final orders has been made at 9.20am.
all order has been confirmed.
Supplier need some time to check stock.
Kindly wait for replies.
Please do not rush us.

4pm, we were told that all bags(except Jewel) are available.
Waiting for the status stock of others.

Transfered money for the bags to supplier at 1.30am.
At 3.55pm, the Nicolette were told to be OOS so waiting for customers to make another order or refund.
Revised order sent at
2 Nicolette refund.
Additional transfer being made at
5.59pm for a bag which changed from 1 Nicollete.

Bags have arrived.
Will be collected on Tuesday.
Mass meet up at Lavender mrt station on Saturday by 3pm.

Collected the pants & vest!!!